Friday, March 4, 2011

Reflecting on the Progress Report on the Long-Range Plan for Technology

With the rapid growth of technology, we as educators must keep up with the changing times. We must research and prepare ourselves in order to use technology to capture the attention and give ownership to the students that we come in contact with everyday. In order to do this, we must keep updated on the progress and effectiveness of the Long Range Plan.

After reading through and looking closely at the progress report on the Long-Range Plan for Technology 2006-2020, I realize that positive results have been reached with teaching and learning in respect to technology. This report is required for the state of Texas to submit annually on their progress with technology. By reading the report, it is shown that the newly developed program has had commendable results as well. All four areas are targeted on the report. To me, it is amazing that technology occurs so quickly and that it has changed the overall education of our students and their lives. Thanks to technology students have been able to have more ownership over their learning. When you look around, you see so many resources available to them that can accomplish so much. Their resources are unlimited in comparison of the resources that were just once available only 10 years ago.

According to the report, we see that having technology allows students to become self-directed learners. They are able to access all sorts of information and knowledge to develop their own action plans. Technology has become something we could never live without now. Can anyone really imagine a world without it?  Because of technology, teaching and learning has gained so much ground and  become more productive. We, as teachers, are able to be more involved in their learning. According to the report, grants and programs focus on technology literacy and integration, which is a key factor if wanting to impact students across the state. In this area, the state currently shows schools moving toward Developing to Advanced. Only a few schools would rate themselves as Target tech.

An enormous push in professional development has been made when we speak of preparing educators. This means that educators can then meet the needs of their students by having them involved if they as the educator are prepared to use technology. Educators now have to meet higher standards and be prepared to teach with the use of technology to further their students learning and educational goals. Teachers are needing to become more prepared to keep up with the advancements and make sure their students are utilizing technology as well. This is one area that teachers need to stay on top of  or technology will leave them far behind.

It seems as though with leadership, administration, and instructional support, there is a great demand of involvement. Administrators must be committed to the advancements in all areas. They must take a stand and push forward with technology as well.  The importance of the necessary tools and resources for administrators, librarians, and students being provided for our 21 century classrooms is also shown in the report. School districts are continually working on increasing the use of technology in the classroom is shown.

On a last note, educators must make sure to uphold the Technology plan in order to take our students to new levels. If not, America will fall far behind.

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